Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Blog #13 Story I haven't told yet

As some of you may know, I've been working at Krispy Kreme since I was a sophomore in high school. Well this is the story of my first day on the job: The Day I Ate a Dozen Hot Glazed in Under 5 Minutes. It started with a good friend of mine on the tennis team named Christian, he put in a good word with the boss and got me a job with him at the Kreme. After about 4 hours into my shift the crowds died down when Christian came up to me and told me about the Dozen Donut Challenge. It was a race that he claimed all new workers had to do, that consisted of eating 12 fresh glazed donuts in 5 minutes. I was weary but couldn't back down to a challenge, so I loosened my belt and grabbed my glazed. The timer started and I felt like Kobiashi, I was smashing three together and shoving them in my mouth as fast as I possibly could. Challenging as it was, I was finally at the home stretch, three to go. With a minute still to spare I scarfed down the final glob of glaze and slapped the timer. I had done what only one other worker before me could do, and it was magical. The 22 hundred calories of dough that was piled up in my stomach felt like victory. Sweet, sweet victory.

Linked In blog #12

Coming off professional would be the most import aspect of creating a LinkedIn profile. I would want to come off as a mature and responsible person, who is capable of doing whatever job I was interviewing for. Also, it is important to appear educated and informed. Especially I would like to be educated on the job at hand. Finally, I would want to come across as someone who can lead and is also goal-oriented.