Thursday, February 25, 2016

Zero Draft

So my general topic for this research paper is genetically modified organisms. At first I thought I could just talk about them and hwat they are and what they do for my paper but I decided that I need a more specific topic to focus my work. I was considering going inot GMO's from a scientific point of view and looking at the chemistry behind them, like how they are created and how they differ from organic regular organisms. But then I was having trouble ressearching this so I decided to change my topic to be about the possibility of GMO's being used to solve the hunger problem in places where people are left without food. This could be interesting because I already found a few good sources and it is looking promising. My paper could be formatted like first intro duce gmo's then say how they are used in making more food and then how they can be used to feed more people and controversy over their use. this willbbe a good paper i like the topic. end of zero draft...

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