Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Food and Me

It's Christmas morning at the MacAinsh house and while my brothers rush downstairs to open presents I have something else in mind. No, I'm not praying that Santa brought me everything on my list, nor am I waiting to see what everyone else got. The only thing on my mind is sitting in the oven, slowly baking at 425 degrees. All I can think about is two fat scoops of steaming breakfast casserole. As the final layer of cheese simmers atop the underlying eggs and bacon, a tantalizing smell fills the air and I can practically taste it. You see, for me food is something to be enjoyed. I can't even begin to describe how hard it is when I go on break from work and must decide what fast food joint to go to. I love many kinds of food and am always open to try new things. In addition to this I feel that food is also a good way to bring people together. Every Thanksgiving I look forward to seeing all my family's smiling faces at the dinner table just as much I want to see the steam float up from a hot sweet potato. Food connects people because no matter where you come from, you still have to eat. Its what we all have in common, whether you are from the southern tip of Africa or the coldest part of Canada. This is what food is to me, a way to get to know people while enjoying something we all love.


  1. I like how you wrote this post like a story. Awesome job!

  2. i like how you go in depth about the food, as well as the personal story that ties it all together

  3. This is honestly inspiring. This post gave me a new perspective on the way I view all the food in my life. I enjoyed the personal anecdote about your experience with food, and the new perspective it left me with.Love it!
